Cancellation policy
Please give at least 24-hour notice when cancelling appointments, this allows another client to fill your spot! If you cancel within 24 hours or less of your scheduled appointment, you will be charged 50% of your service(s). Thank you!
Late policy
If you think you may be late for your appointment please text/call right away. If you show up late, there is the chance your service(s) may be altered to fit the remaining time. If you are more than 15 minutes late, your appointment may be cancelled and you will be subject to pay the cancellation fee on those service(s). I respect your time, please respect mine!
No show policy
If you do not show up for your scheduled appointment without contacting me in advance to cancel, you will be subject to pay the FULL amount of service(s) reserved in order to continue booking with me. Clients who “no show” more than on one occasion will be required to pay in FULL at the time of booking. Thank you!
Please read the policies below before booking any service appointments. If you have any questions regarding our policies we are always here to help, just send us an email.